Reduce Absenteeism with Real-Time Parent Alerts

Engage parents with SMS to create a supportive environment that addresses absenteeism.

  • Notify parents instantly when their child is absent.
  • Share tips and resources to encourage regular attendance.
  • Strengthen the connection between school and home.

Quick setup with program templates


Save time with automations


Measure and report impact effortlessly


SMS that supports parents and student attendance with timely interventions.

Real-Time Notifications

Parents receive immediate alerts about their child's absences.

Actionable Insights

Provide parents with actionable tips to address attendance issues.
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Customizable Messages

Personalize messages to fit the needs of your school and parents.

Attendance Tracking

Easily monitor and track attendance improvements over time.

Increased Awareness

Keep parents informed about their child's attendance in real-time.

Early Intervention

Enable parents to take early action to prevent chronic absenteeism.

School-Home Connection

Foster a collaborative effort between schools and families.


SMS that supports parents and student attendance with timely interventions.

Real-Time Notifications

Parents receive immediate alerts about their child's absences.

Customizable Messages

Personalize messages to fit the needs of your school and parents.

Actionable Insights

Provide parents with actionable tips to address attendance issues.

Attendance Tracking

Easily monitor and track attendance improvements over time.

Make your programs measurable and manageable.

With our step-by-step builder, workflow automations, and outcomes tracking software, program administrators can save time on the manual facilitation needed to make a program successful, all in one place.

Tailored Mentorship with Algorithmic Matching

Algorithmically match participants based on their unique preferences, helping students find their ideal mentor-mentee match.
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Continuous Engagement Tracking

Keep the pulse on mentorship interactions with insights into the frequency and quality of mentor-mentee interactions.

Learning Modules and Guided Activities

Students complete interactive modules and activities that facilitate meaningful conversations and mutual growth, enriching the mentorship experience.
Dashboard mockup

Case Study: UC Irvine Tackles Student Attrition With Peer Mentorship